35 results found for: Tax

Ordinances have been published regulating the transaction for the collection of the Union’s active debt

The aforementioned Ordinance is intended to regulate the transaction of debts registered in the Federal Government’s active debt and provides as modalities

Extension of the deadline for payment of CPRB and FUNRURAL

Extension of the deadline for payment of employers’ social security contributions also extended to the payments of CPRB and FUNRURAL.

Published decree providing for the payment of emergency aid for workers

New Decree issued by the Government brings the rules for payment of emergency aid for workers, in the monthly amount of R $ 600.00

Government edits new provisional measure that institutes the “Emergency Program for Maintenance of Employment and Income”

Government publishes new Provisional Measure (936/2020) to institute the Emergency Program for Maintenance of Employment and Income, bringing the possibility of reducing working hours and wages and suspending the employment contract during the state of public calamity